Developing and testing the fetal-juvenile mutator stem cell hypothesis with regard to the origins of mutations in adult tissues, atherosclerotic plaque, preneoplasia and neoplasia and devising instrumentation to determine the microanatomical distribution of selected (MAMA) and unselected (CyDCE) point mutations in tissues and derived clonal lesions.
This section contains PDF copies of publications outlining the development and application of denaturing capillary electrophoresis to defining the number and colony size distribution of point mutations in human tissues for both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes.
Included is a general method of estimating the modal size of maintenance stem cell turnover units using the numerical distribution of mutant cluster sizes discovered in a series of assays on microanatomically distinct human tissue samples.
A publication ist based on PubMed records evidence of somatic mutation in human tissues including the seminal work of the Richard Albertini (U. Vermont, Burlington, VT, USA and Alec A.A.Morley, (Flinders Medical Center, Australia) measuring mutations in peripheral T cells by ex vivo growth under selective conditions.
Under construction.